WAEC Syllabus 2025/2026 PDF for All Subjects

WAEC Syllabus
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WAEC Syllabus 2025/2026 PDF for All Subjects: Are you preparing for the West African Examination Council (WAEC) exam in 2025/2026? If yes, then you need to have the WAEC syllabus 2025/2026 for all the subjects you will take in the exam. The WAEC syllabus is a document that contains the topics, objectives, notes, and format of the exam for each subject. It will help you to know what to study and how to study for the exam.

In this blog post, I will show you how to download the WAEC syllabus 2025/2026 for all the subjects in PDF format. I will also give you some tips on how to use the syllabus effectively for your exam preparation. Let’s get started!

How to Download WAEC Syllabus 2025/2026 for All Subjects in PDF

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To download the WAEC syllabus 2025/2026 for all the subjects in PDF, you need to have a device that can access the internet and a PDF reader. You can use your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. Follow these steps to download the syllabus:

  • Click on any of the links below to go to the website that has the syllabus for the subject you want to download.
  • On the website, look for the download button or link and click on it.
  • The syllabus will open in a new tab or window. You can view it online or save it to your device.
  • Repeat the steps for other subjects you want to download.

Here are the links to the websites that have the WAEC syllabus 2025/2026 for all the subjects:

2Agricultural ScienceDownload
3Animal Husbandry [Alternate A]Download
4Animal Husbandry [Alternate B]Download
5Applied Electricity or Basic ElectricityDownload
6Auto Body Repairs and Spray PaintingDownload
7Auto Electrical WorksDownload
8Auto Mechanical WorkDownload
9Auto Parts MerchandisingDownload
12Block-laying, Bricklaying, and ConcretingDownload
13Book KeepingDownload
14Building ConstructionDownload
15Business ManagementDownload
16Carpentry and JoineryDownload
17Catering Craft PracticeDownload
20Christian Religious StudiesDownload
21Civic EducationDownload
22Clerical Office StudiesDownload
23Clothing and TextilesDownload
25Computer StudiesDownload
27Crop Husbandry and HorticultureDownload
28Data ProcessingDownload
29Dyeing and BleachingDownload
33Electrical Installation and Maintenance WorkDownload
34Electronics Basic ElectronicsDownload
35English LanguageDownload
36Financial AccountingDownload
37Financial AccountsDownload
38Fisheries [Alternate A]Download
39Fisheries [Alternate B]Download
40Food and NutritionDownload
43Furniture MakingDownload
44Further Mathematics or Mathematics [Elective]Download
45Garment MakingDownload
46General AgricultureDownload
47General Knowledge in ArtDownload
48General Mathematics or Mathematics [Core]Download
50Ghanaian LanguageDownload
52Graphic DesignDownload
53GSM Phones Maintenance and RepairsDownload
54Hausa LanguageDownload
55Health Education or Health ScienceDownload
57Home ManagementDownload
60Information and Communication [Core]Download
61Information and Communication [Elective]Download
63Integrated ScienceDownload
64Islamic Religious StudiesDownload
66Leather GoodsDownload
67Leather WorksDownload
68Literature in EnglishDownload
69Machine WoodworkingDownload
71Metal WorkDownload
73Music [1]Download
74Music [2]Download
75Office PracticeDownload
76Painting and DecoratingDownload
78Physical EducationDownload
80Picture MakingDownload
81Plumbing and Pipe FittingDownload
82Principles of Cost AccountingDownload
83Printing Craft PracticeDownload
84Radio, Television, and ElectronicsDownload
85Refrigeration and Air ConditioningDownload
89Social StudiesDownload
90Store KeepingDownload
91Store ManagementDownload
92Technical DrawingDownload
95Type Writing [1]Download
96Type Writing [2]Download
98Visual ArtDownload
99Welding and Fabrication Engineering Craft PracticeDownload
100West African Traditional ReligionDownload
101Woodwork [Ghana]Download
102Wood Work to I.E.DDownload

WAEC Syllabus 2025/2026 PDF for All Subjects

How to Use WAEC Syllabus 2025/2026 for Your Exam Preparation

Downloading the WAEC syllabus 2025/2026 is not enough. You need to use it effectively for your exam preparation. Here are some tips on how to use the syllabus:

  • Start early: Don’t wait until the last minute to start studying for your WAEC exam. The earlier you start, the more time you have to cover all the topics in the syllabus.
  • Create a study plan: Create a study plan that covers all the topics in the syllabus. Your study plan should be realistic and achievable. Allocate more time to topics that you find difficult or have less understanding of.
  • Focus on past questions: WAEC exams are based on past questions, so make sure you study past questions and answers. Use past questions to test your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered in the syllabus.
  • Attend classes: Attend classes and listen to your teachers carefully. They will teach you the concepts and skills you need to pass the exam. Ask questions if you don’t understand something or need clarification.
  • Revise regularly: Revise what you have learned frequently. This will help you to remember and recall the information during the exam. Use flashcards, summaries, notes, or other methods to review the key points of each topic.


The WAEC syllabus is a valuable resource for students who are preparing for the WAEC exam in 2025/2026. It will help you to know what to study and how to study for the exam. You can download the WAEC syllabus 2025/2026 for all the subjects in PDF format from the links provided in this blog post. You can also use the tips given in this blog post to use the syllabus effectively for your exam preparation. I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I wish you all the best in your WAEC exam. Thank you for reading!


What is the WAEC Syllabus?

The WAEC Syllabus is a collection of topics and objectives that students need to study to prepare for the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) exams. It serves as a guide to the areas of focus for each subject.

How can I access the WAEC Syllabus for 2025/2026?

The syllabus can be accessed online through official WAEC websites or educational platforms that provide updated syllabus information for all subjects.

Are there any changes to the syllabus for 2025/2026?

Yes, the syllabus is periodically updated to reflect current trends and developments in each subject area. It’s important to refer to the latest version for the most accurate information.

What are the compulsory subjects in the WAEC 2025/2026 exams?

Compulsory subjects include Mathematics, English Language, Economics, Civic Education, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry (For Science, Art, and Commercial). Students must also select a trade subject as part of their examination.

What is the format of the WAEC exams?

The WAEC exams consist of two components: the theory and the practical. The theory component is a written examination that tests the candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the syllabus topics. The practical component is a hands-on assessment that tests the candidates’ skills and abilities in applying the syllabus concepts.

How long is the WAEC exam period?

The WAEC exam period varies depending on the subject and the region. Generally, the exam period lasts for about six weeks, from April to June. However, some subjects may have earlier or later exam dates, depending on the availability of facilities and resources.

How can I prepare for the WAEC exams?

The best way to prepare for the WAEC exams is to study the syllabus thoroughly and practice with past questions and answers. You can also use online resources, such as educational platforms, videos, and blogs, to supplement your learning. Additionally, you should manage your time well, revise regularly, and stay healthy and motivated.

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