WAEC Syllabus for Islamic Studies 2025/2026 PDF Download

Syllabus for Islamic Studies
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WAEC Syllabus for Islamic Studies 2025/2026 PDF Download: Are you preparing for the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Islamic Studies exam? Do you want to know the topics and subtopics that you need to study for the exam? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this blog post, I will share with you the WAEC syllabus for Islamic Studies for the 2025/2026 academic session. The syllabus will help you to understand the scope and objectives of the exam, as well as the scheme of examination and the detailed content of each part of the syllabus.

What is WAEC Syllabus for Islamic Studies?

The WAEC syllabus for Islamic Studies is a document that outlines the topics and subtopics that candidates are expected to cover for the Islamic Studies exam. The syllabus is designed to assess the extent to which candidates have acquired knowledge in Islamic Studies with regard to the following:

  • The historical and contemporary development of Islam, as well as the lessons learnt from them;
  • The spiritual, moral, socio-economic and intellectual roles of Islam role of Islam in society;
  • The practical application of Islamic teachings in daily life.
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The syllabus consists of four major parts namely: Tarikh (Historical Development of Islam); Qur’an; Hadith; and Tawhid and Fiqh (Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence).

List of Topics in the WAEC Syllabus for Islamic Studies 2025/2026

Part 1: Tarikh (Historical Development of Islam)

  1. The Jahiliyyah: Arabia before Islam
    • Description of Arabia’s location
    • Social life, including marriage, divorce, and inheritance
    • Religious life, including idol worship and names of major gods/idols
    • Political life and the system of government
    • Economic life and sources of livelihood
    • The reforms introduced by Islam to Jahiliyyah practices
  2. The life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
    • Birth
    • Marriage
    • Call to prophethood and his mission
    • Hijrah: Causes, Course, and Significance
    • Formation of the Ummah and the Madinan Constitution
    • Leadership qualities of the Prophet
    • The Battles: Badr, Uhud, and Khandaq (causes, courses, and effects)
    • The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah: Terms and outcomes
    • Conquest of Makkah
    • The Farewell Pilgrimage: Description, sermon, and its lessons
    • Death
  3. The Khulafᾱ’ur-Rᾱshidīn (The Rightly-guided Caliphs): Abu-Bakr Ibn Abī Quhhᾱfah, ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattᾱb, ‘Uthmᾱn Ibn ‘Affᾱn, and ‘Ali Ibn Abī Tᾱlib.
    • Their biographies
    • Their contributions to Islam
    • Lessons learnt from their lives
  4. Islam in West Africa
    • The advent and roles of traders, teachers, murᾱbitun, sufi orders, mujaddidun (reformers), and Hajj in the spread of Islam
    • The Impact of Islam on the Socio-Political, Economic, and Linguistic Lives of the Peoples of ancient West African empires (i.e., Ghana, Mali, Shonghai, and Kanem-Borno).

Part 2: Qur’an

  1. Revelation of the Qur’an
    • Visits of the Prophet (S.A.W.) to Cave Hira
    • First revelation and his reaction to it
    • Different modes of revelation
    • Piecemeal revelation of the Qur’an
  2. Preservation of the Qur’an
    • Complete arrangement, including distinction between Makki and Madani Suwar
    • Recording, compilation, and standardization
    • Roles played by the Companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.) in the preservation of the Qur’an
  3. Importance of the Qur’an
    • The Qur’an as a source of guidance in social, political, spiritual, and moral matters
  4. Reading, Memorization, Meaning, and Lessons from specific suwar.
  5. Moral Lessons from the Qur’an

Part 3: Hadith

  1. Definition of Hadith and Sunnah
  2. Differences and similarities between Hadith and Sunnah
  3. The Importance of Hadith and Sunnah
  4. Parts of the Hadith: ‘Isnad, Matn, and Rawi
  5. Criteria for authenticity of Hadith
  6. Classification of Hadith: Sahih, Hasan, and Da‘if
  7. The Six Sound Collections of Hadith (Sihahus-Sittah) and their Compilers
  8. Reading, Memorization, Meaning, and Lessons from specific Ahadith

Part 4: Tawhid and Fiqh (Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence)

  1. ‘Iman (Faith)
  2. Shirk (Associating Partners with Allah)
  3. Taharah (Purification)
  4. Salat (Prayer)
  5. Sawm (Fasting)
  6. Zakat (Charity)
  7. Hajj (Pilgrimage)
  8. Shari‘ah (Islamic Law)
  9. Nikah (Marriage)
  10. Talaq (Divorce)

How to Download WAEC Syllabus for Islamic Studies 2025/2026 PDF?

If you want to download the WAEC syllabus for Islamic Studies in PDF format, you can do so by clicking on the link below. The PDF file contains the complete syllabus for Islamic Studies, including the aims and objectives, the scheme of examination, and the detailed content of each part of the syllabus.

How to Use WAEC Syllabus for Islamic Studies?

The WAEC syllabus for Islamic Studies is a useful guide for candidates who want to prepare effectively for the exam. Here are some tips on how to use the syllabus:

  • Read the syllabus carefully and understand the aims and objectives of the exam.
  • Identify the topics and subtopics that are relevant to the exam and make a study plan accordingly.
  • Use relevant textbooks, notes, and other materials to study the topics and subtopics in the syllabus.
  • Practice past questions and answers on the topics and subtopics in the syllabus.
  • Revise the topics and subtopics in the syllabus regularly and test your knowledge and understanding.


The WAEC syllabus for Islamic Studies is a valuable resource for candidates who want to excel in the exam. The syllabus covers the essential aspects of Islamic Studies that candidates need to know and understand. By following the syllabus, candidates can improve their chances of scoring high marks in the exam. I hope this blog post has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.


What is the format of the WAEC Islamic Studies exam?

The WAEC Islamic Studies exam consists of two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which will be put into a composite paper to be taken in one sitting. Paper 1 comprises fifty multiple-choice questions, all of which should be answered within 50 minutes for 50 marks. Paper 2 consists of six essay questions, one of which will be compulsory. Candidates will be required to answer the compulsory question and any three of the optional ones in 2 hours for 100 marks.

What are the topics and subtopics in the WAEC syllabus for Islamic Studies?

The WAEC syllabus for Islamic Studies consists of four major parts namely: Tarikh (Historical Development of Islam); Qur’an; Hadith; and Tawhid and Fiqh (Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence). Each part has several topics and subtopics that candidates need to study for the exam. You can find the detailed content of each part of the syllabus in the PDF file that you can download from the link above.

Where can I find past questions and answers on WAEC Islamic Studies?

A: You can find past questions and answers on WAEC Islamic Studies on various websites and platforms online. Some of the websites and platforms that offer past questions and answers on WAEC Islamic Studies are:
– waec2025.com
– waecafrica.com
You can also buy past questions and answers on WAEC Islamic Studies from bookshops and vendors near you.

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