WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 PDF Download

Syllabus for Biology
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WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 PDF Download: Are you preparing for the West African Examination Council (WAEC) Biology exam? Do you want to know the topics you need to study and the textbooks you need to use? If yes, then this blog post is for you. In this post, I will share with you the WAEC syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 PDF download link, the aims and objectives of the syllabus, the scheme of examination, and some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the syllabus.

What is WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2025/2026?

The WAEC syllabus for Biology is a document that contains the list of topics, concepts, and skills that candidates are expected to learn and master for the WAEC Biology exam. The syllabus also contains the aims and objectives of the Biology curriculum, the scheme of examination, and some recommended textbooks for reference.

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The WAEC syllabus for Biology is divided into three sections:

  • Section A: This section is for all candidates in West Africa. It covers the basic concepts and principles of Biology, such as cell structure and function, nutrition, ecology, genetics, evolution, etc.
  • Section B: This section is for candidates in Ghana only. It covers some additional topics that are specific to the Ghanaian context, such as soil biology, mammalian anatomy and physiology, human and environmental biology, etc.
  • Section C: This section is for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Liberia. It covers some additional topics that are specific to these countries, such as cell biology, life processes in living things, diversity of living things, interactions in nature, etc.

The WAEC syllabus for Biology is designed to assess candidates’ understanding of the structure and functions of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. It also aims to develop candidates’ scientific skills, such as observing, classifying, interpreting, experimenting, and problem-solving. Moreover, it aims to equip candidates with the relevant knowledge and attitudes for further studies in biological sciences and related fields.

What Are the Topics in the WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2025/2026?

Below are the topics in the WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2025/2026:

A. Concept of Living

  1. Classification
    • Living and non-living things
    • Classification of living things into Kingdoms: Monera, Protoctista (Protista), Fungi, Plantae, Animalia.
    • Differences between plants and animals.
  2. Organization of life
    • Levels of organization:
      • Cell (single-celled organisms): Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium
      • Tissue: Hydra
      • Organ (storage organ): bulb, rhizome, and heart.
      • System/Organ System: In mammals, flowering plants – reproductive system, excretory system, etc.
    • Complexity of organization in higher organisms: advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Forms in which living cells exist
    • Single and free-living: Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, and Chlamydomonas
    • Colony: Volvox
    • Filament: Spirogyra
    • Part of a living organism: Cheek cells, onion root tip cells, and epidermis of fleshy leaves.
  4. Cell Structure and Functions
    • Similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.
  5. The Cell and its environment: Physical and Biophysical processes
    • Diffusion
    • Osmosis
    • Active transport
  6. Properties and functions of the living cell
    • Nutrition (Autotrophic and Heterotrophic)
    • Cellular respiration (aerobic and anaerobic)
    • Excretion in single-celled aquatic organisms
    • Waste products of metabolism
    • Growth
    • Development
    • Movement
    • Reproduction (Asexual and Sexual)
  7. Tissues and Supporting Systems: Skeleton and supporting systems in animals
    • Biological significance of supporting systems
    • Types of skeleton: exoskeleton, endoskeleton, and hydrostatic skeleton
    • Functions of skeleton in animals: Protection, support, locomotion, and respiratory movement.
  8. Transport System
    • Need for transport
    • Transport in animals
    • Transport in plants
  9. Respiratory System
    • Body surface, gills, and lungs
    • Mechanisms of gaseous exchange in various organisms
  10. Excretory Systems and Mechanisms
  • Types of excretory systems: Kidney, stomata, and lenticels
  1. Regulation of Internal Environment (Homeostasis)
  • Kidney structure and functions
  • Liver functions
  • The skin structure and function
  1. Hormonal Coordination
  • Animal hormones and their functions
  • Plant hormones
  1. Nervous Coordination
  • The central nervous system
  • Peripheral Nervous System
  • Types of nervous actions
  1. Sense Organs
  • Eye
  • Ear
  1. Reproductive Systems
  • Structure and function of male and female reproductive systems
  • Reproduction in various organisms

B. Plant and Animal Nutrition

  1. Plant Nutrition
    • Photosynthesis
    • Mineral requirement of plants
  2. Animal Nutrition
    • Food substances, balanced diet, and digestive enzymes
    • Modes of Nutrition
    • Alimentary System
    • Dental Formula
    • Feeding in protozoa and mammals

C. Basic Ecological Concepts

  1. Ecosystem
    • Ecological components
    • Components of the ecosystem
  2. Ecological Factors
    • Ecological factors in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
  3. Simple Measurement of Ecological Factors
    • Physical factors
    • Edaphic factors
  4. Food Webs and Trophic Levels
    • Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
    • Trophic levels and energy flow
    • Decomposition in nature
  5. Ecological Management
    • Biological Associations
    • Adaptation of organisms to habitats
    • Pollution of the atmosphere, water, and soil
  6. Ecology of Population
    • Ecological succession
    • Factors affecting population size
    • Preservation and storage of foods
    • The life of selected insects and control of pests
  7. Microorganisms: Man and Health
    • Carriers of microorganisms
    • Microorganisms in action
    • Methods of controlling harmful microorganisms
    • Public Health

D. Conservation of Natural Resources

  1. Resources to be conserved

E. Variation in Population

  1. Morphological and physiological variations

F. Biology of Heredity (Genetics)

  1. Genetic terminologies
  2. Transmission and expression of characteristics in organisms
  3. Chromosomes and probability in genetics

G. Adaptation for Survival and Evolution

  1. Behavioral Adaptations in Social Animals
  2. Evolution and its evidence and theories

How to Download WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 PDF?

To download the WAEC syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 PDF file, you can click on the download button in this post. You can also download the syllabus from other websites that offer similar services, such as waecafrica.com. However, make sure that you download the latest version of the syllabus that is updated for the 2025/2026 academic session.

Alternatively, you can also get the WAEC syllabus for Biology from your school or from a nearby WAEC office. You can ask your teacher or principal to provide you with a copy of the syllabus or direct you to where you can get it. You can also visit a WAEC office in your region or state and request for a copy of the syllabus. However, this may take more time and effort than downloading it online.https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwaec2025.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F11%2FWAEC-BIOLOGY-SYLLABUS.pdf&embedded=true

Why Should You Use WAEC Syllabus for Biology?

Using the WAEC syllabus for Biology is very important for your exam preparation. It will help you to:

  • Know what topics and concepts you need to study and master for the exam.
  • Focus your attention on the most relevant and important areas of the subject.
  • Avoid wasting time on topics that are not included in the syllabus or are less important.
  • Plan your study schedule and allocate enough time for each topic.
  • Review your progress and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Practice your skills and knowledge using past questions and mock exams.
  • Achieve your desired grade and score in the exam.


The WAEC syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 PDF download is a useful resource for all candidates who are preparing for the WAEC Biology exam. It contains the list of topics, concepts, and skills that candidates are expected to learn and master for the exam. It also contains the aims and objectives of the Biology curriculum, the scheme of examination, and some recommended textbooks for reference.

Using the WAEC syllabus for Biology will help you to study effectively and efficiently for the exam. It will help you to know what topics and concepts you need to study and master, focus your attention on the most relevant and important areas of the subject, avoid wasting time on topics that are not included in the syllabus or are less important, plan your study schedule and allocate enough time for each topic, review your progress and identify your strengths and weaknesses, practice your skills and knowledge using past questions and mock exams, and achieve your desired grade and score in the exam.

To download the WAEC syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 PDF file, you can click on this link or visit other websites that offer similar services, such as Expobite.net. You can also get the syllabus from your school or from a nearby WAEC office.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the WAEC syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 PDF download:

Is the WAEC syllabus for Biology the same for all West African countries?

No, the WAEC syllabus for Biology is not the same for all West African countries. There are three sections in the syllabus: Section A, Section B, and Section C. Section A is for all candidates in West Africa, while Section B is for candidates in Ghana only and Section C is for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Liberia. Each section covers some topics that are specific to the context and curriculum of each country.

How often is the WAEC syllabus for Biology updated?

The WAEC syllabus for Biology is updated periodically to reflect the changes and developments in the subject and the curriculum. The latest version of the syllabus is for the 2025/2026 academic session. You should always use the most recent version of the syllabus for your exam preparation.

What are the recommended textbooks for WAEC Biology?

The WAEC syllabus for Biology contains a list of recommended textbooks that candidates can use for reference and further reading. Some of these textbooks are:
– Ndu, F.O.C., Asim, A.E., Ogunniyi, M.B. and Odumosu, K. (2007). Senior Secondary School Biology: Books 1 – 3. Ibadan: Longman.
– Ramalingam, S.T. (2005). Modern Biology. SS Science Series. New Edition. AFP.
– Stan, M.B. (2004). Round-up Biology for Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination: A complete guide. Ibadan: Longman.
– Stone R.H. and Cozens, A.B.C. (1982). Biology for West African Schools. Longman.
– Usua, E.J. (1997). Handbook of practical Biology 2nd Edition, University Press, Limited.
You can also use other textbooks that cover the topics and concepts in the syllabus and are approved by WAEC or your school.

How can I practice WAEC Biology past questions and mock exams?

You can practice WAEC Biology past questions and mock exams by using online platforms that provide them, such as waec2025.com or Expobite.net. You can also get past question papers and answer booklets from your school or from a nearby WAEC office. You should practice as many past questions and mock exams as possible to familiarize yourself with the format, style, and difficulty level of the exam. You should also time yourself and check your answers against the marking scheme or model answers.

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