WAEC Areas of Concentration for Islamic Studies (IRS) 2025/2026

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WAEC Areas of Concentration for Islamic Studies (IRS) 2025/2026: Islamic Studies (IRS) is a vital subject within the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) curriculum. It provides students with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of Islam, including its historical development, the Quran, Hadith, Islamic theology, and jurisprudence. In preparation for the WAEC 2025/2026 examination, this article will delve into the key areas of concentration for Islamic Studies (IRS) to help students prepare effectively.

READ ALSO: WAEC Syllabus for Islamic Studies 2025/2026 PDF Download

WAEC Areas of Concentration for Islamic Studies (IRS) 2025/2026

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Islamic Studies (IRS) is a subject that explores the rich history and teachings of Islam. In the WAEC 2025/2026 examination, students will encounter various topics categorized into four parts: Tarikh (Historical Development of Islam), Qur’an, Hadith, and Tawhid and Fiqh (Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence). Let’s embark on a journey to understand each of these parts comprehensively.

Below is the complete WAEC Areas of Concentration for Islamic Studies (IRS) 2025/2026:

Part 1: Tarikh (Historical Development of Islam)

  1. The Jahiliyyah: Arabia before Islam
    • Description of Arabia’s location
    • Social life, including marriage, divorce, and inheritance
    • Religious life, including idol worship and names of major gods/idols
    • Political life and the system of government
    • Economic life and sources of livelihood
    • The reforms introduced by Islam to Jahiliyyah practices
  2. The life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
    • Birth
    • Marriage
    • Call to prophethood and his mission
    • Hijrah: Causes, Course, and Significance
    • Formation of the Ummah and the Madinan Constitution
    • Leadership qualities of the Prophet
    • The Battles: Badr, Uhud, and Khandaq (causes, courses, and effects)
    • The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah: Terms and outcomes
    • Conquest of Makkah
    • The Farewell Pilgrimage: Description, sermon, and its lessons
    • Death
  3. The Khulafᾱ’ur-Rᾱshidīn (The Rightly-guided Caliphs): Abu-Bakr Ibn Abī Quhhᾱfah, ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattᾱb, ‘Uthmᾱn Ibn ‘Affᾱn, and ‘Ali Ibn Abī Tᾱlib.
    • Their biographies
    • Their contributions to Islam
    • Lessons learnt from their lives
  4. Islam in West Africa
    • The advent and roles of traders, teachers, murᾱbitun, sufi orders, mujaddidun (reformers), and Hajj in the spread of Islam
    • The Impact of Islam on the Socio-Political, Economic, and Linguistic Lives of the Peoples of ancient West African empires (i.e., Ghana, Mali, Shonghai, and Kanem-Borno).

Part 2: Qur’an

  1. Revelation of the Qur’an
    • Visits of the Prophet (S.A.W.) to Cave Hira
    • First revelation and his reaction to it
    • Different modes of revelation
    • Piecemeal revelation of the Qur’an
  2. Preservation of the Qur’an
    • Complete arrangement, including distinction between Makki and Madani Suwar
    • Recording, compilation, and standardization
    • Roles played by the Companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.) in the preservation of the Qur’an
  3. Importance of the Qur’an
    • The Qur’an as a source of guidance in social, political, spiritual, and moral matters
  4. Reading, Memorization, Meaning, and Lessons from specific suwar.
  5. Moral Lessons from the Qur’an

Part 3: Hadith

  1. Definition of Hadith and Sunnah
  2. Differences and similarities between Hadith and Sunnah
  3. The Importance of Hadith and Sunnah
  4. Parts of the Hadith: ‘Isnad, Matn, and Rawi
  5. Criteria for authenticity of Hadith
  6. Classification of Hadith: Sahih, Hasan, and Da‘if
  7. The Six Sound Collections of Hadith (Sihahus-Sittah) and their Compilers
  8. Reading, Memorization, Meaning, and Lessons from specific Ahadith

Part 4: Tawhid and Fiqh (Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence)

  1. ‘Iman (Faith)
  2. Shirk (Associating Partners with Allah)
  3. Taharah (Purification)
  4. Salat (Prayer)
  5. Sawm (Fasting)
  6. Zakat (Charity)
  7. Hajj (Pilgrimage)
  8. Shari‘ah (Islamic Law)
  9. Nikah (Marriage)
  10. Talaq (Divorce)


What are the areas of concentration for Islamic Studies in WAEC 2025/2026?

The areas of concentration for Islamic Studies in the WAEC 2025/2026 syllabus are divided into four main parts. Part 1 focuses on Tarikh (Historical Development of Islam), covering topics such as the Jahiliyyah period in Arabia, the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), the Khulafᾱ’ur-Rᾱshidīn (Rightly-guided Caliphs), and the spread of Islam in West Africa. Part 2 delves into the Qur’an, including its revelation, preservation, importance, and the study of specific suwar and moral lessons derived from the Qur’an. Part 3 centers on Hadith, encompassing its definition, importance, classification, and the study of specific Ahadith. Finally, Part 4 explores Tawhid and Fiqh (Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence), covering various aspects of faith, worship, purification, prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, Islamic law, marriage, and divorce. These areas provide a comprehensive understanding of Islamic history, teachings, and practices, enabling students to grasp the multifaceted aspects of the subject in the WAEC examination for 2025/2026.

What is the significance of studying Islamic Studies (IRS) for WAEC?

Studying IRS for WAEC provides a comprehensive understanding of Islam, its history, teachings, and practices. It is essential for students to gain knowledge about their faith and culture.

How can I effectively prepare for the WAEC 2025/2026 Islamic Studies examination?

Effective preparation involves a thorough study of the curriculum, practice with past questions, and seeking guidance from experienced teachers or tutors.

Why is the preservation of the Qur’an important?

The Rightly Guided Caliphs played a crucial role in the early expansion of Islam and the establishment of a just and ethical Islamic society. Their lives serve as exemplary models for Muslims


In conclusion, WAEC’s Islamic Studies (IRS) curriculum for 2025/2026 covers a wide range of topics, including the historical development of Islam, the Qur’an, Hadith, and Islamic theology and jurisprudence. By understanding these key areas of concentration and diligently preparing for the examination, students can enhance their knowledge of Islam and excel in their academic pursuits. IRS not only equips students with religious knowledge but also fosters an appreciation for the rich heritage and values of Islam. Good luck with your studies and examinations!

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