WAEC Areas of Concentration for Christian Religious Studies (CRS) 2025/2026

WAEC Areas of Concentration for Christian Religious Studies (CRS)
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The WAEC Areas of Concentration for Christian Religious Studies (CRS) in 2025/2026 cover a wide array of themes that explore the essence of faith, leadership, and moral values through engaging stories from the Old Testament, the Synoptic Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and selected Epistles. These themes shed light on the timeless teachings and lessons that continue to shape the Christian faith and inspire believers worldwide.

READ ALSO: WAEC Syllabus for Christian Religious Studies 2025/2026 PDF Download

WAEC Areas of Concentration for Christian Religious Studies (CRS) 2025/2026

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Welcome to the WAEC Areas of Concentration for Christian Religious Studies (CRS) for the year 2025/2026. This curriculum delves into the rich tapestry of biblical narratives, offering insights into the core values and principles that underpin the Christian faith. We explore themes from the Old Testament, the Synoptic Gospels, and Selected Epistles, all of which provide a comprehensive understanding of Christian beliefs, leadership, and the moral responsibilities of believers.

Below is the complete WAEC Areas of Concentration for Christian Religious Studies (CRS) 2025/2026:

SECTION A: Themes from the Old Testament

  1. The Sovereignty of God: God, the Creator and God, the Controller of the universe.
  2. Leadership roles: Joseph, Moses, Joshua, and Deborah.
  3. Parental Responsibility: Eli and Samuel.
  4. Consequences of Saul’s disobedience.
  5. Submission to the will of God: David’s submission, sin, repentance, and forgiveness.
  6. Making Decisions: Solomon’s wisdom and unwise decisions.
  7. Supremacy of God: Religious tensions during Ahab’s reign and Elijah at Mount Carmel.
  8. Greed and its effects: Ahab and Gehazi.
  9. Religious reforms: The reign of King Josiah.
  10. Concern for one’s Nation: The condition and response to the state of the nation.
  11. Faith in God: Faith, courage, and power.
  12. Nature of God: True religion and social justice (Amos) and God’s divine love (Hosea).

SECTION B: Themes from the Synoptic Gospels and the Acts Of The Apostles

  1. Baptism and Temptation of Jesus: The Baptism and The Temptation.
  2. The Call and Demands of Discipleship.
  3. Jesus’ Teaching on forgiveness.
  4. The Trials of Jesus: Jesus at Gethsemane, Peter’s Denials, and Condemnation of Jesus.
  5. The Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus: Crucifixion, burial, and The Resurrection.
  6. Fellowship in the Early Church.
  7. The Holy Spirit and the Mission to the Gentiles: The Holy Spirit at Pentecost and Mission to the Gentiles.
  8. Opposition to the Gospel Message.

SECTION C: Themes from selected Epistles

  1. The Epistles of James: Faith and Works, Impartiality, and Effective Prayers.
  2. The Epistle of 1 Peter: Good Citizenship, Christians Living among non-Christians, and Interpersonal Relationship among Christians.


What are the areas of concentration for Christian Religious Studies in WAEC 2025/2026?

The areas of concentration for Christian Religious Studies in WAEC 2025/2026 encompass a diverse range of themes drawn from the Old Testament, Synoptic Gospels, and selected Epistles. These include an exploration of God’s Sovereignty, leadership exemplified by figures like Joseph, Moses, and Joshua, as well as lessons in parental responsibility, consequences of disobedience, and submission to God’s will from stories such as Eli, Samuel, and David. Themes from the Synoptic Gospels and the Acts Of The Apostles delve into baptism and temptation, the demands of discipleship, Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness, and the trials and resurrection of Jesus. Lastly, selected Epistles like James and 1 Peter emphasize topics such as faith and works, impartiality, good citizenship, and interpersonal relationships among Christians. This comprehensive curriculum offers a holistic understanding of Christian beliefs, leadership, and moral values for students in the 2025/2026 academic year.

What are the key themes covered in the WAEC Areas of Concentration for Christian Religious Studies (CRS) in 2025/2026?

The curriculum includes themes such as the Sovereignty of God, leadership roles in figures like Joseph and Moses, parental responsibility exemplified by Eli and Samuel, consequences of Saul’s disobedience, submission to God’s will through David’s life, and more from the Old Testament. It also explores the teachings of Jesus, trials, crucifixion, and resurrection in the Synoptic Gospels and selected Epistles like James and 1 Peter.

How can I relate the curriculum to real-life situations and personal growth?

The curriculum provides valuable insights into leadership, faith, forgiveness, and moral responsibility. By studying these themes, you can apply the lessons to your daily life, enhance your decision-making skills, and develop a stronger moral compass. It’s about understanding the biblical narratives and using them as a guide for personal growth and ethical living.

What is the significance of studying leadership roles in the Old Testament?

Learning about leadership roles in the Old Testament, such as Joseph, Moses, Joshua, and Deborah, teaches us about effective leadership, resilience in adversity, and the importance of faith in leadership. These stories offer valuable lessons for leadership in various aspects of life, including family, community, and career.

Why are the teachings of Jesus, trials, and His resurrection emphasized in the curriculum?

The teachings of Jesus, His trials, and His resurrection are central to Christian faith. Studying these themes helps believers understand the core principles of Christianity, including love, forgiveness, and salvation. It also highlights the sacrifices made by Jesus for humanity and the hope that His resurrection brings to believers.

How can the lessons from selected Epistles, like James and 1 Peter, impact our daily lives?

The Epistles of James and 1 Peter address practical aspects of Christian living, emphasizing faith, good citizenship, impartiality, and effective prayers. These teachings provide guidance on how to lead a Christian life in a complex world, promoting virtues like compassion, integrity, and prayerful living. Studying them can help believers navigate real-life situations with wisdom and grace.


As you embark on this educational journey through the WAEC Areas of Concentration for CRS in 2025/2026, you’ll gain a profound understanding of the Sovereignty of God, the importance of leadership exemplified by figures like Joseph, Moses, and Joshua, and the significance of faith, forgiveness, and compassion taught by Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. Additionally, you’ll explore the Epistles’ wisdom, emphasizing faith, works, and effective prayers, among other critical topics.

These lessons are not only a reflection of biblical history but also serve as a guide for living a virtuous and purposeful life. May this curriculum inspire you to grow spiritually, cultivate strong moral values, and embrace the teachings that have shaped Christian faith for generations. Best wishes on your educational journey!

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