All WAEC Practical Specimen 2025/2026

WAEC Practical Specimen
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All WAEC Practical Specimen 2025/2026: The 2025/2026 WAEC Practical Specimen includes a variety of specimens and essential materials for different subjects. These specimens are essential for conducting practical examinations in subjects such as Biology, Agricultural Science, Physics, Chemistry, Data Processing, Animal Husbandry, Technical Drawing, Fisheries, Computer Studies, and Visual Art. Let’s take a closer look at what each subject’s practical examination entails.

WAEC Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Practical examinations are a crucial part of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) assessment, providing students with hands-on experience in various subjects. In these examinations, students are required to demonstrate their practical knowledge and skills based on the provided specimens and materials.

WAEC Biology Practical Specimen 2025/2026

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Below is the WAEC Biology Practical Specimen 2025/2026:

Specimen AMature fresh eggs of catfish
Specimen BFresh egg of domestic fowl (raw, with shell intact)
Specimen CPicture/model/chart of uterus containing a foetus
Specimen DLongitudinal section of ovary of pride of Barbados flower
Specimen ELeaf of pride of Barbados flower
Specimen FPanicum plant/Guinea grass (whole plant)
Specimen GCocoyam plant/Caladium plant (whole plant)
Specimen HCorm of cocoyam
Specimen JDry humus in a beaker
Specimen KMoist humus in a beaker
Specimen LRipe orange fruit (whole)
Specimen MLongitudinal section of coconut fruit
Specimen NLongitudinal section of fresh chili pepper fruit

WAEC Biology Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Essential Materials

It is essential that each candidate should be provided with the following materials:

  1. Hand lens/magnifying lens;
  2. Scalpel/razor blade/knife;
  3. Pair of forceps;
  4. Hand gloves;
  5. Spatula;
  6. Petri dish;
  7. Fehling’s solutions A and B;
  8. Iodine solution.

WAEC Agricultural Science Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Below is the WAEC Agricultural Science Practical Specimen 2025/2026:

Specimen AEarthworm
Specimen BTermite
Specimen CLoamy Soil
Specimen DSandy Soil
Specimen EWater Trough
Specimen FFeed Trough
Specimen GEgg Candler (Real/Picture/Diagram)
Specimen HScoop Net
Specimen ISugarcane
Specimen JPineapple Fruit (Whole)
Specimen KGinger (Whole)
Specimen LHoney (Labelled)
Specimen MSawdust
Specimen NWood Shavings
Specimen OElectric Bulb
Specimen PKerosene Lamp
Specimen QCharcoal Pot

WAEC Agricultural Science Practical Specimen 2025/2026

WAEC Physics Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Below is the WAEC Agricultural Science Practical Specimen 2025/2026:


  • A load of mass 100g concealed and labelled as P
  • A load of mass 20g concealed and labelled as Q
  • A set of masses m (40g, 50g, 60g, 70g and 80g)
  • Metre rule
  • 100cm piece of string
  • Stopwatch
  • Helical spring
  • Retort stand set-up
  • Knife edge


  • A rectangular block (glass or Perspex) measuring at least 10cm×9cm
  • Drawing sheet
  • Drawing board
  • Four optical pins
  • Drawing pins
  • Triangular prism
  • Half metre rule
  • Plane mirror


  • 1Ω standard resistor labelled R
  • Rheostat
  • Voltmeter
  • Ammeter
  • Key/switch
  • Source of emf, E=2F
  • Ten connecting wires
  • Resistance box
  • Jockey
  • Metre bridge

WAEC Chemistry Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Below is the complete WAEC Chemistry Practical Specimen 2025/2026:

  1. Great care should be taken to ensure that the information given in the items 2 and 3 below does not reach the candidate either directly or indirectly before the examination.
  2. In addition to the fittings and reagents normally found in a chemistry laboratory, the following apparatus and materials will be required by each candidate:
    • One burette of 50 cm3 capacity;
    • One pipette, either 20 cm3 or 25 cm3. (All candidates at one centre must use pipettes of the same volume. These should be clean and free from grease)
    • The usual apparatus for titration;
    • The usual apparatus and reagents for qualitative work including the following with all reagents appropriately labelled;
      • (i) Dilute sodium hydroxide solution;
      • (ii) Dilute hydrochloric acid;
      • (iii) Dilute trioxonitrate
      • (V) acid;
      • (iv) Silver trioxonitrate
      • (V) solution;
      • (v) Acidified potassium dichromate solution;
      • (vi) Aqueous ammonia;
      • (vii) Lime water;
      • (viii) Red and blue litmus paper
      • (ix) Dilute tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid;
      • (x) Fehlings solution A & B.
      • (e) Spatula;
      • (f) Filtration apparatus;
      • (g) One beaker
      • (h) One boiling tube;
      • (i) Four test tubes;
      • (j) Methyl orange as indicator;
      • (k) Glass rod;
      • (l) Wash bottle containing distilled/deionized water;
      • (m) Burning splint;
      • (n) Watch glass;
      • (o) Bunsen burner/source of heat;
      • (p) Droppers;
      • (q) Mathematical table/calculator.
  3. Each candidate should be supplied with the following, where ‘n’ is the candidiate’s serial number
    • 150 cm3 of a solution of HCl in a corked flask or bottle labelled ‘An’. These should all be the same containing 8.5 cm3 of concentrated HCl per dm3 of solution.
    • 150 cm3 of Na2CO3.10 H2O in a corked flask or bottle labelled ‘Bn’. These should all be the same containing 5.0 g of the hydrated salt per dm3 of solution.
    • One spatulaful of glucose in a specimen bottle labelled ‘Cn’. This must be the same for all candidates.
    • One spatulaful of zinc oxide powder in a specimen bottle labelled ‘Dn’. This must be same for all candidate.

WAEC Data Processing Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Below is the WAEC Data Processing Practical Specimen 2025/2026:


  • The school authority/administrator is expected to provide the following facilities in readiness for the 2024 WAEC Internal Examination for the candidates.
    • A well-ventilated computer laboratory to accommodate a sizeable number of students at once.
    • Standby Generator with the capacity to power all the systems. (Maximum 2.5KVA).
    • Installation of application packages like Microsoft Word, Spreadsheet (Excel), Microsoft Access, and Corel draw.
    • A reasonable number of printers to go round the candidates.
    • UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply).
1Hard Drive = 160GB – 320GB
2RAM = 3GB
3Processor = Pentium Chip
4Processor Speed = 2.5MHz at least
5Operating System = Windows
6USB Ports = 2 to 4

WAEC Data Processing Practical Specimen 2025/2026

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Below is the WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Specimen 2025/2026:

Specimen AFresh Centrosema plant
Specimen BGuinea grass (fresh)
Specimen CPalm oil (labelled)
Specimen DHoof
Specimen EHorn
Specimen FFeather
Specimen GCommon salt (labelled)
Specimen HMaize grains
Specimen IPowdered milk
Specimen JGroundnut cake
Specimen KWater (labelled)
Specimen LRestraining rope

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Specimen 2025/2026

WAEC Technical Drawing Practical Specimen 2025/2026


Each school is expected to provide the following equipment, instruments, and materials for each candidate offering Technical Drawing:

1Drawing Table/Drawing Board
2Tee Square
3Scale Rule
5Set Squares
6Drawing Instrument set
7French Curves or Flexible Rubber
8Clips or Masking Tape
9Pencils – 2H, H, and HB
10Eraser, Erasing Shield, and Brush
11Sharpener/Razor Blade

WAEC Technical Drawing Practical Specimen 2025/2026

WAEC Fisheries Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Specimen AFresh African Catfish
Specimen BFresh Tilapia with Scales
Specimen CDrag Net
Specimen DFish Trap
Specimen EHook and Line
Specimen FCast Net
Specimen GSmoked Fish
Specimen HKnife
Specimen JCharcoal
Specimen KWire Mesh or Gauze
Specimen LTwine
Specimen MFloat
Specimen NLead or Weight
Specimen QCanoe (Model)

WAEC Fisheries Practical Specimen 2025/2026

WAEC Computer Studies Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Here is the WAEC Computer Studies Practical Specimen 2025/2026:


  • A. The school authority/administrator is expected to provide the following facilities in readiness for the 2024 WAEC Internal Examination for the candidates.
    • A well-ventilated computer laboratory to accommodate a sizeable number of students at once.
    • Standby Generator with the capacity to power all the systems. (Maximum 2.5KVA).
    • Installation of application packages like Microsoft Word, Spreadsheet (Excel), Microsoft Access, and Corel draw.
    • A reasonable number of printers to go round the candidates.
    • UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply).
1Hard Drive = 160GB – 320GB
2RAM = 3GB
3Processor = Pentium Chip
4Processor Speed = 2.5MHz at least
5Operating System = Windows
6USB Ports = 2 to 4

WAEC Computer Studies Practical Specimen 2025/2026

WAEC Visual Art Practical Specimen 2025/2026

Below is the WAEC Visual Art Practical Specimen 2025/2026:


  1. The school is to make available the Underlisted items for the successful conduct of the examination.
  2. Candidates can choose any set of items. Any set chosen will be the question to be answered by the candidate during the examination.
      • Wheelbarrow
      • Head pan
      • Shovel
      • Raised Platform
      • Table cloth
      • Two Coconuts
      • A Pineapple
      • A Bunch of Plantain
      • Raised Platform
      • Table Cloth
      • Teenage boy with traditional attire and cap
      • Long Stool

The 2025/2026 WAEC Practical Specimen consists of specimens ranging from biological materials like eggs and plant parts to items used in physics, chemistry, data processing, and more. The specimens serve as the foundation for assessing students’ practical abilities in different subjects.



In conclusion, the WAEC Practical Specimen 2025/2026 is a diverse collection of materials and specimens that will be used to evaluate students’ practical skills and knowledge in various subjects. These practical examinations play a vital role in assessing students’ understanding of real-world applications of the subjects they have studied, and they are a crucial component of the WAEC examination process. Candidates should prepare adequately and familiarize themselves with the specimens and essential materials to excel in these practical examinations. Good luck to all the candidates!

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